
I’ve made contact with people all over the world in the same boat as me. The internet is an absolutely wonderful way to gain the support of a group of people going through similar experiences – what a wonderful world we live in.

I’ve noticed something strange. Many of us hit ‘down’ patches together. All over the world. How does that work? When I’m feeling worried, and negative, I go to the web for comfort, and often find that several of my co-sufferers are going through the same emotions at the same time. It’s probably just coincidence, but it does feel slightly more than you would expect from chance alone. We all seem to come off the rails at the same time, even on different continents.

Likewise, upbeat times. I did a lot of walking yesterday, and felt good and free of pain. On the internet last night, I find several people who have been in a lot of pain recently report they have had a pain free day.

Isn’t it odd?

Anybody else noticed this?

3 responses to “Strange

  1. The collective unconscious of pain, perhaps. I just ignored my pain the other day, as it is a constant. There is a great book that helps with this called “beyond pain”, it speaks of how we can use breath and meditation to move beyond feeling these sparks we get, along with other thoughts. Best in health to you, j.

  2. I’m just stopping by to see how you are Vicky? The WordPress reader does strange things to me. So I just wanted to say hello, hope you aren’t affected by flooding and check all is OK.

    • Thank you so much Tracy! That is so kind of you.
      Yes, all is OK here – we live on top of a hill, so flooding isn’t a problem. (Damp is, though. We do a good line in damp in Devon!)
      I seem to have entered an end-of-chemo doldrums. I’m feeling a bit stronger every day, but am worrying about whether it has worked or not. The oncologist said at my last check up that the patch on my liver was slightly bigger, but darker, and he thought it was ‘necrotic tissue’ i.e. dead, killed by the treatment. But.. it might not be (don’t they always leave you with something to worry about?!)
      Strangely, I can FEEL my liver. I can’t call it pain, or even tenderness, but a kind of stiffness. Is it the dead tissue I’m feeling? Or something worse? I must admit I wouldn’t keep a bit of dead liver in my FRIDGE for months, so how I’m supposed to cope with carting it around in my body I don’t know!
      I’m joining a local spa next week, to exercise more. I’m already walking for half an hour a day when possible, and want to add swimming/cycling to it as well. I’m really going for the idea of exercise and good nutrition being the key to keeping this bloody monster chained up. Exercise is good for the immune system ‘T cells’, and T cells beat cancer cells, apparently.
      I love reading your blog, and am always excited when I get an alert in
      my mailbox. Keep up the good work!

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